Brand Identity / Generative Design / Web Design / Editorial Design

OCMA, the Orange County Museum of Art, is a modern and contemporary art museum located in Costa Mesa, California. Since its inception, OCMA’s commitment to artists and audiences has been at the core of its activities, presenting the voices and work of influential artists and creative thinkers through innovative and ground-breaking exhibitions and programs.

This new identity seeks to establish a flexible visual system while embracing the integration of technology. Ultimately, it aims to ignite meaningful interactions between art and people. Inspired by the OCMA’s new building structure, the new museum identity aims to showcase its history of actively discovering and advocating for the transformative potential of art. 

Related Project: 

Instructor: Brad Bartlett

LogoThe use of creative coding in the logo design process results in a variety of randomly generated logo design variations that can be used and transformed over time.

AR PosterPosters can exist in both print and digital formats. In the print version, audiences can utilize AR technology to access a secondary layer of information.


Screen-based Media

Social Media

Mobile Website

BookletA museum booklet was created using the ‘dos-a-dos’ format, include two different narratives: the museum’s history and exhibition information. 
The unique format allows audiences to explore the museum with two different perspectives, provides a distinctive viewing experience.


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